
Un leader inspirant

Herb Kelleher, an inspiring leader

Who was Herb Kelleher ? it was said that : “Kelleher was perhaps the best CEO in America.” Herb has been called a pioneer, fierce competitor and innovator. All of those labels ring true, but Herb was more than that: He changed the world. He was a passionate character, a life-lover, an untiring wit with […]

Un taxi silencieux san émission de CO2

E-nemo, the new “Tesla on the water”

From the first boats to E-nemo, huge technical progress have been made. Man has achieved so much in this field that it is sometimes difficult for everyone to make the synthesis between the point from which he came and the present reality. For some of the actors of this progress, the inventors like Alain Thebault,

Taketina Rythm

The search for Happiness

How can we achieve happiness? How can we abandon our addictions?
Will we be able to relearn wonder, respect and gratitude?

Use of MT

Machine translation, a major step forward It is the solution chosen by most of us when trying to understand a foreign language text. However, for professional translations and those that require a high level of technical accuracy, the MT is not satisfactory. Errors, gaps or inaccuracies are visible in the result. A careful review by

Why do I translate?

When I was a student J thought that translation would allow me to break down all the barriers that prevented me from reaching out and understanding the other person, the one who did not speak my language. Not to reach him, not to communicate seemed to me an unbearable situation. Learning his language was a

Why not use machine translation

Machine translation represents a major step forward; it is the solution chosen by most of us when trying to understand a foreign language text. Why not? It’s so easy! However, for professional translations and all others that require a high level of technical accuracy, the automatic translator is not satisfactory. The machine translator is just