When I was a student J thought that translation would allow me to break down all the barriers that prevented me from reaching out and understanding the other person, the one who did not speak my language. Not to reach him, not to communicate seemed to me an unbearable situation. Learning his language was a way of entering his world, of seeing through his eyes.
Today, advances in technology have almost completely solved the problem of communication between countries. But the need for translation is exploding for other reasons, and quite simply as a result of technological and industrial expansion in a context of globalisation.
After years of experience in my job, my motivation is different from when I started. I translate rather to
discover and transmit the values I believe in and to encourage the sharing of these values for the benefit of all.
Most of us participate through our work in programmes concerning the major issues of the world and the safeguarding of these values, but in any case, translators have ethical values that are safeguarded by the code of ethics of our profession.